SHIVER ME TIMBERSAccording to the weatherman, Chicago is in the midst of what will be the longest stretch of continuous below-freezing temperatures in the last 23 years.
Twenty-three years ago, I was living on a fishing boat somewhere off the coast of Sicily. Times were tough because cartographers had recently discovered that Sicily was not actually attached to Italy. This meant that all the Sicilians who commuted to Italy had to start taking a ferry instead of driving to work.
While confusion reigned, the mafia took control of the ferry industry and began charging unreasonable prices. I remember one morning when my father and I tried to board for a day trip, only to be told that it would cost us each our gall bladder. "That's unreasonable," my father said as he handed over his gall bladder.
But here I've said too much.
By the way, here's a cool (and recent)
"Infinite Jest" review from the author of "Infinite Jest : A reader's guide." (HT to
The Howling Fantods.)
And here's a
funny article about Playboy. (HT to
Much too much coffee, much too soon. TGIMFF Mofos.